Led design direction for the Call of Duty Companion App for iOS and Android that has over 8 million unique downloads. Created tentpole features such as: Friends feed, Friend Comparison, Weekly Squad Tournaments, Battle Pass progress and purchase, Call of Duty Store, News, Player Profiles, Combat Record, Match History, Guides, Call of Duty League streams and viewership incentives, Heat Maps, Leaderboards, and Missions.
8.1 Million Unique Downloads
​​​​​​​Missions Feature Concept
Designed a feature called "Missions" which offers a weekly pool of objectives for players to choose from and team-up with friends to complete and earn rewards. Wherever players are, by viewing missions or being invited to a Mission by a friend, players will be enticed to jump back into the game. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Browse Missions
Filter mission my type and time. Shows additional info about select missions.
User is prompted to select team after choosing mission.
Select Team
User selects team and awaits confirmation in mission start screen.
Earn Rewards
Once Mission is finished, user is shown score and now now can go to the rewards section to use points earned.

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